Angst-Pfister APSOseal® Molded seals United States

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Special sealing applications require special solutions

Custom molded gaskets (such as diaphragms, frame gaskets and casing gaskets, or custom elastomer lip gaskets) are in demand where specific application or operating conditions push standard seals to their limits. These custom molded gaskets are tailored exactly to the specific application at hand and are, as the name suggests, fabricated using special forming dies and cores. Optimum shaping of the sealing lip and the correct material selection are the most important prerequisites for the reliable functioning of the molded gasket.

Engineering: Competence in every subject

Angst+Pfister puts its extensive experience in developing application-specific molded gaskets at its customers' disposal. Expert consulting services, from choosing the right material to designing the gasket geometry and identifying possible surface treatments, form the basis of our customized solutions. Angst+Pfister undoubtedly takes into account such aspects as cost-effectiveness, ease of assembly and installation, as well as taking into account all application parameters. Besides CAD (computer aided design) services, FEM (finite element analysis) simulation can also be used in the development process to simulate particularly demanding tasks. Angst+Pfister's engineering expertise creates perfectly molded gaskets that best meet customer-specific requirements and specific application specifications.

Production: Quality down to the smallest detail

Perfectly molded gaskets are the result of choosing the most suitable manufacturing method for the sealing application at hand. Depending on the geometry, the volume of the unit and the material, injection, transfer or compression molding techniques are used. Angst+Pfister has its own molding room that specializes in exactly these production processes.


Kalrez® 0040

Kalrez® 0090

Kalrez® 6221

Kalrez® 6230

Kalrez® 6375

Kalrez® 4079

Kalrez® 7075

PERTEC® CIP FKM 75.501-04

PERTEC® NP FKM 70.501-04

PERTEC® NP FKM 80.501-01

PERTEC® ST FKM 75.501-02

PERTEC® UP FKM 70.501-07

PERTEC® UP VMQ 70.501-01

EPDM 60.10-04

EPDM 70.10-02

EPDM 70.502-03

FKM 85-501.01

FKM 90-15.04

FVMQ 70.16-01

HNBR 70-10.09

HNBR 70-15.06

HNBR 70-502.03

NBR 60-10.01

NBR 70-10.02

NBR 70-502.02

NBR 90-10.03

VMQ 60-501-01

VMQ 70-10.01

VMQ 80-501.01

FKM 70-501-05

FKM 75-16.04

FKM 75-16.18